This is true, but the latest verwion of NMM also uses a virtual file system, so that the core files also remain unchanged - just as they do when using MO. But if that wall of text is a poor description, there is a large assortment of guides and tutorials on youtube if you wish to know more about Mod Organiser. This means that your installation files remain pure and untouched by mod installed, but the mods you install instead install into a folder inside Mod Organiser that allows MO itself to connect the mods with your skyrim when you initiate the game. The basic idea is based on seperating mods from the core skyrim folders. A problem occurred during install: The process cannot access the file 'C: Users Bluto AppData Local Temp NexusModManager 551otdau.oms FNIS Behavior 6.3 Data tools GenerateFNIS_for_Modders generatefnisformodders.exe' because it is being used by another process. TTW NMM install issues Post by PieBaker » Mon 5:24 am My Problem: Every time I try to install TTW with nexus mod manager, I get this message: A problem occurred during install. Originally posted by:Mod Organizer is an alternative to the Nexus Mod Manager, its highly popular with those who run mods consistantly.

Mod Organizer is an alternative to the Nexus Mod Manager, its highly popular with those who run mods consistantly. If you encounter that problem with the install, try downloading the mod again. Also, you should read: Player spreadsheet - Player and Modding Resources by Ilja VERY IMPORTANT if you wish to successfully mod your game As to problems with install, it can sometimes be caused by the file getting corrupted in the download. That being said, Mod organizer is a highly recommended program, though the initial learning curve is steeper see: Mod Organizer by Tannin - It should be pointed out, however, that MO is no longer being supported, as the author - Tannin - has been hired by Nexus and is currently developing their new manager, called Vortex.

You should use: XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended - XPMSE by Groovtama - As to NMM, I have nearly 700 mods, and no problems. XP32 Maximum Skeleton - XPMS by xp32 - is outdated.