There are different kinds of warnings messages as per the situation of the game. There are different ways to deliver these warnings, like pop-up messages or unique sounds. Now you can receive different kinds of warnings to know when to react to something. Still, it’s an addon to the World of Warcraft game. Sometimes you can consider this game as separate too because of many reasons. Mods for this addon have already become famous like the original game. But it’s not limited to only two powerful features, but there are some other minor changes. Most players appreciated these changes to the original game.

There are 2 most powerful featured as part of this new addon, Raid Warnings and Timer Bars.

Some players consider it a different game because of its popularity and available content like mods. But in this article, we are here to discuss the most popular extension for this game known as Deadly Boss. World of Warcraft is the most popular massively multiplayer online game of all time.